Amethyst; Color Of Honor

Amethyst; Color Of Honor

Did you know today is National Nursing Assistant Day? If you know someone in your circle that is a nursing assistant, we have the perfect gift for you to show them your appreciation.

These Amethyst Jade Earrings are exactly what they need! Want to know why? Jewelry that has Amethyst Gemstones are the perfect gesture for nurses because of its protection properties. They are known across the world to bring healing and comforting powers when the stone is worn.

Amethyst is not only the most beloved gemstone used for jewelry when it comes to the color purple. It has also been used for ages to celebrate many adornments. The benefits don’t stop with the powers. You can see the benefits in their appearance as well.

The color of amethyst represents royalty. Don't you think our nurses are royalty? We sure do! And we recognize that we would not have endured this pandemic had it not been for our nurses! Let’s honor them the right way with this sentimental gift.

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