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The Era of Artisan Beauty | The 1950s

The Era of Artisan Beauty | The 1950s

Diana Echevarria

The beautiful colors and pop of jewelry in the 50s is something that has been replicated for decades because of the trends that were seen then. Jewelry become fashionable in...

The Era of Artisan Beauty | The 1950s

Diana Echevarria

The beautiful colors and pop of jewelry in the 50s is something that has been replicated for decades because of the trends that were seen then. Jewelry become fashionable in...

Jewelry Makes You Happy!

Jewelry Makes You Happy!

Diana Echevarria

When you think about jewelry, nine times out of ten, how does it make you feel? Most often people would say that it brings them joy, or speaks happiness. Jewelry...

Jewelry Makes You Happy!

Diana Echevarria

When you think about jewelry, nine times out of ten, how does it make you feel? Most often people would say that it brings them joy, or speaks happiness. Jewelry...

The Effects of Jewelry

The Effects of Jewelry

Diana Echevarria

To say that jewelry represents class, beauty, healing, and style is among the least of the effects it has on one's lifestyle and culture. Every person may have a different...

The Effects of Jewelry

Diana Echevarria

To say that jewelry represents class, beauty, healing, and style is among the least of the effects it has on one's lifestyle and culture. Every person may have a different...

Cute Jewelry To Wear When You're Feeling Not So Cute

Cute Jewelry To Wear When You're Feeling Not So Cute

Diana Echevarria

We all have those days when we aren't feeling the best. Typically, that leaves us feeling like we don't look our best! Jena Jewelry is here for you, girl! If...

Cute Jewelry To Wear When You're Feeling Not So Cute

Diana Echevarria

We all have those days when we aren't feeling the best. Typically, that leaves us feeling like we don't look our best! Jena Jewelry is here for you, girl! If...

Jewelry Pieces You Should Wear On A Hot Date

Jewelry Pieces You Should Wear On A Hot Date

Diana Echevarria

Do you have a date coming up? You go girl! The first thing you need to do is pick out an outfit that will bring you the confidence you need. The...

Jewelry Pieces You Should Wear On A Hot Date

Diana Echevarria

Do you have a date coming up? You go girl! The first thing you need to do is pick out an outfit that will bring you the confidence you need. The...